Weighed Down

Wow. What a day it has been. I stepped on the scale this morning, and to my horror, found I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life. I am 26 years old and have a 3-year-old. I used to weigh around 140 in highschool and was a natural size 8.  My, my what a struggle it has been losing that baby weight. I have tried HCG twice, lost 18 lbs the first time, only 5 the second, and gained it all back and THEN SOME! I can tell you first hand that crash diets don’t work, and usually leave you in worse shape than when you started. I’m like you. I wish it were easy. I wish it were fast. But it’s just not and you have to really want it to see change. It’s not impossible though! In fact, I recall a time when I lost about 8 pounds within a couple of months. I simply ate healthy and smaller portions. I didn’t even work out that much during that time. Exercise is important, but unless you eat clean, healthy food, that weight isn’t gonna budge! So here I am, trying again, for the hundredth time. At least I’m not giving up. I know eventually I will get there. It’s just a long journey and I am praying for endurance. I’m going to start posting more about my progress and what seems to be working to encourage anyone else who is going through this hell of trying to get in shape! God bless you and your goals.

One comment

  1. angelasoelzerragosa

    Hi Whitney,
    I too am rowing along in the same boat that you find yourself in. Recently I had some issues with my thyroid gland acting up and gained about 20 pounds in 3 weeks and you’d think once my doctor fixed my thyroid levels that I would of lost the weight but, no, not so much. I too, try really hard to workout and eat clean but the weight comes off so slowly. I find myself now trying with all the acceptance I can muster up, to accept where I am now & see myself in a positive light despite the weight gain. I see other people who have so much more to lose than I, which always brings me back to the same thought, “it could always be so much worse” and then I do feel somewhat better. As long as I’m healthy, it’s hard to get too down about it. I wish you much luck with your weight loss journey. 🙂

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